Quizzing Fans- Where has this quizzing season gone? There's only one more monthly tournament left in the 2017-2018 season! By the end of next month's quiz meet, quizzers will have studied, memorized and responded with sound answers to important questions not only about God's Word, but about God. This is vital fuel for one of the key ministries of the Holy Spirit-- These quizzer will become living illustrations of God's Truth and Wisdom to the world. All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:25-26 The after-quiz Chicago meeting went well- As it stands we definitely have enough quizzers for a little league team and a junior varsity team. There's still time to consider going and make plans. Remember if you want to go to Chicago but can't because of cost, don't be shy-- the quiz committee has some scholarship money that you can use to help cover travel or lodging. We'll try to finish our team building by the March quiz and register shortly after. The March Tournament will be on the 10th and is a BIG DAY-- plan an extra hour at the end of the quiz so we can pass out all the monthly awards AND the end of season trophies and OMC medallions. PLUS the ever popular and highly anticipated Mr Pizza banquet is not to be missed. Invite a guest to the day (or just the end of the day) and their pizza feast will be free; others plan on $5 per person for just about all you can eat. Drinks are included. God Bless You All and Have a great month-- see you on March 10th! Jim Benson Director Rochester YFC Bible Quizzing P.S. If you borrowed a quiz box from the league, bring it back to the March quiz... we'll need to take some with us to Chicago. Jim Benson Director Rochester YFC Bible Quizzing http://rochesterbiblequizzing.org/PastResults/2017-2018/standings/05-February.html