October Quiz Schedule

YFC BQ 25th Anniversary

Saturday Event Schedule (proposed)

Saturday, October 10th - 9am to 7pm

9:00am Welcome, morning overview and Worship.
9:15am Break-out sessions
- Quizmaster tips
- Coaching strategies
- Quizzer tips
   - How to study
   - How to jump
   - How to discern the context of a question
   - Making it a team sport
10:00am Krazy Quizzes!
Old quizzers randomly teamed with young quizzers to bring a new dimension to quizzing
Begin studying 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1 NOW! to prepare for the Krazy competition. Krazy trophies will be awared to the Krazy champions!!
11:00am Lunch break
12:30pm Championship Krazy Quiz!
Using the Big Scoreboard before a sell-out crowd
12:50pm Awards for the 2008-2009 year
1:10pm Dave Cooke, founder of Rochester Youth for Christ Bible Quizzing
Inspiring thoughts and a challenge
1:30pm Tournament Quizzing
6:00pm Pizza Party